28.FingerprintscollectedpreviouslyforthepurposeofapplyingforaSchengenvisa: 此前申请申根签证时是否有指纹记录: □ No否□ Yes是 Date,ifknown日期,如知晓……….. Visasticker number,ifknown签证贴纸号码,如知晓……… 29.Entrypermitforthefinalcountryofdestination,whereapplicable:最终目的地国入境许可,如适用: ...
Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa / 往申请申根签证是否有指纹纪录 No / 否 Yes / 是 Date, if known / 如有,请写明日期 Visa sticker number , if known / 如有,请写明签证贴纸号码 29. Entry permit for the final country of destination, where ...
Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa / 以往申请申根签证是否有指纹纪录: No / 否 Yes / 是 ………... Visa sticker number, if known / 如有,请写明签证贴纸号码 ………... 29. Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable / ...
Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa/以往申请申根签证时是否采集过指纹: No/ Yes/ Date if known/ 否是 日期(如知道): Visa sticker number, if known/ 如有,请写明签证贴纸号码: 29. Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable/...
thevalidityoftherequestedvisa,withablankvisapagetoaffixthevisasticker. TheUKResidencePermitmustalsoexceedbymorethan3monthsthevalidity oftherequestedvisa Copyofthepassportincludingthesignaturepage CopyoftheUKResidencePermit Proofofsufficientfundstosupportyourselfduringyourstay(min.£30.00day/person) -recentbankstat...
Fingerprints collected previously for the purpose of applying for a Schengen visa/以往申请申根签证时是否采集过指纹: No/ Yes/ Date if known/ 否是 日期(如知道): Visa sticker number, if known/ 如有,请写明签证贴纸号码: 29. Entry permit for the final country of destination, where applicable/...