4) polygraph system 多导生理记录装置5) channel polygraph 四道生理记录仪 1. Methods:4-channel polygraph is used to determine systolic time interval s four indexes(LVET,Q-S 2,PEP,PEP/LVET)by means of carotid arteriogram. 方法:用四道生理记录仪通过颈动脉搏动图法测定 2 0例正常人心脏收缩...
多导生理记录仪 1. Polysomnographywas conducted. 对比分析其临床、多导生理记录仪及多次小睡睡眠潜伏时间试验(MSLT)结果。 3) multi-channel electrophysiology recorder 多道电生理记录 1. Themulti-channel electrophysiology recorderwas combined here to record the electrophysiology status before, during and after ...