5)Mechanical Drawing
针对具体的人,而作为课程1)电工电子实际上是“电工学 与电子学”所以应该翻成“Electrotechnics and Electronics”2)Mechanical Basis 3)Metalworking Practice 4)Bench Work(fitter也是钳工,但是指一个工种,bench work主要是讲钳工的作业
B) distribution C) rest D) stability 2. The specificmechanisms1by which cortisone and similar compounds function are poorly documented. A) partially B) occasionally C) inadequately D) rarely 3. Can you account for your absence from the class last Thursday? A) explain B) examine C) excuse D...
职称英语理工类C级学习-词汇(3)时间:2007-04-19 05:48:08 (单词翻译:单击)1.词汇选项题 1. I am going to have a short rest as I have a cold. A) bring B) catch C) feel D) suffer 2. The old concerns lose importance and some of them vanish altogether. A) develop B) disappear C...
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