【珠宝】王室电影中的礼服和珠宝首饰 只看楼主收藏回复 雯苑精灵 小吧主 14 送TA礼物 1楼2019-10-04 17:24回复 雯苑精灵 小吧主 14 电影《角斗士》 2楼2019-10-04 17:39 回复 雯苑精灵 小吧主 14 点击展开,查看完整图片 3楼2019-10-04 17:40 回复 ...
【珠宝】王室的珍珠首..A huge pear-shaped pearl from the Crown jewels collection, sometimes called (erroneously) "la R
【珠宝】王室珠宝首饰..Pair of sapphire and diamond brooches, late 19th century sold for $97,773 "Each designed as a f
【珠宝】希腊王室的王..Russian-born Queen Olga (1851-1926) was often photographed with one or two diamond rivières, the leng
【珠宝】王室的红宝石..Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother wearing a "list" of rubies: the Oriental circlet, the &qu
【珠宝】王室的紫水晶.."Originally owned by Queen Therese of Bavaria, Princess of Saxe-Hildburghausen (b.1792-1854) wh
2004年,丹麦王储弗雷德里克与澳大利亚平民玛丽·唐纳森举行盛大的王室婚礼,在婚礼前的晚宴上玛丽佩戴的红宝石首饰艳惊四座。而对于这套首饰的由来和历史则鲜有人知。这套红宝石首饰由一顶王冠,一条项链,一副耳钉,一枚胸针组成。 柏林的蓝马克 公爵 14 1804年,拿破仑登基加冕。这套首饰第一次有日后成为瑞典王后的...
【珠宝】王室绿松石珠..The most commonly used birthstone for December in my area is blue topaz. Although, as a December bab
【珠宝】王室的小麦叶..came across this British Pathe clip of Ann Able Smith's 1957 wedding at which the bride wore her
Leysen莱绅通灵与比利时王 室有着近百 年的深厚渊源,见证了比利时四代王 后加 冕;1926年Leysen莱绅通灵为比利时王 室定制“九省王冠”;1967年被授予“王 室珠宝供应商”头衔,时至今日,Leysen莱绅通灵仍然延续着“王 室珠宝 王室品位”理念,并将王 室文化融入珠宝设计中,将服务王 室贵 族的精 湛技艺带到...