Hi guys, Only six days left until the August 3rd re-launch. With the PlayStaion launch we expect a lot more players joining the game as you will be able to cross-play with PS players. (This will significantly improve the problem of not being able to find
各位獵人們,大家好。 以下是我們準備的三個活動: 「狂歡週末領5000SP」 1. 活動時間 7/24(星期五) 15:00 ~ 7/27(星期一) 15:00 (台灣標準時間) 2. 活動內容 {STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/35590176/46865f28ab31ddc5b1bf81ddcbc57c2eb4451323.png 在活動時間內登入遊戲,即可在信箱