百科 狼多肉少(lángduō-ròushǎo) 英文:[there is too little meat for so many wolves] 解释:供不应求,近似“粥少僧多” 示例:你没看见现在东西缺,狼多肉少。你弄不来,被别人弄去,大伙就把意见集中到你身上 本内容来源于 查看更多内容>>
近义词粥少僧多反义词供过于求 感情色彩褒义词成语结构联合式 解释/意思/寓意供不应求 出处/来源吴茂盛《驻京办》第六章:“您想,这不是狼多肉少吗?” 成语用法作谓语、定语;指供不应求 例子/造句现在我们的东西奇缺,狼多肉少 英文翻译there is too little meat for so many wolves ...
However, the reaction of the Japanese to the triple disasters also indicates a certain degree of hope as well. T 这些问题也许看如不轻微扎根于政治状态的coalitional本质,并且基于会 [translate] a我同学说这叫狼多肉少 My schoolmate said this calls the not enough to go around [translate] ...
狼多肉少 翻译例句 1. 这里本来就是一个狼多肉少适者生存的环境,我写的就是怎么在这样的环境里活下去,活得更好。 It was a grim survival of the fittest environment, I wrote about how in this environment to live, live better. 来自互联网 2. 这里本来就是一个狼多肉少适者生存的环境,我写的就是...
我同学说这叫狼多肉少问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 My classmates called wolf little more meat 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 My classmates said that this is more than meat and little wolf 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 My schoolmate said this calls the not enough to go around ...
NAS英文全名Network Attached Storage,翻译为网络附加存储,是一种连接在网络上,具备资料存储功能的装置。此类设备早期多用于商业,最近几年越来越多的被家庭使用,作为家庭存储设备用于存储家庭私有数据。目前,联想、华为等大厂均已涉足NAS市场,产品售价从几百元到几千元不等,但小米在该领域的影响力较低。对于规模不大...