《狮子王》 you are more than what you have become. 你不仅仅是你现在的样子。 She's looking in the dark. He is smiling in return. 她在暗送秋波。他在报以微笑。 Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。 Look at those st...
You are more than what you have become。考研英语还是得跟张宇,受益匪浅了。#张宇 #25考研 #狮子王 #考研数学#考研英语 - Earth.于20240404发布在抖音,已经收获了558个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
1、you are more than what you have become.你不仅仅是你现在的样子。2、She's looking in the dark. He is smiling in return.她在暗送秋波。他在报以微笑。3、Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。4、Look at tho...
想说的太多了,这个故事我听了两遍,每一遍感受都会不同,或许是经历的多了吧,那一句 You are more than what you have become.我牢记在心,感谢宇哥,我会一直坚持下去,直到 get it,我再也不会轻易说放弃,感谢您的激励。也分享给还在考研路上的小伙伴们,加油^0^~版
二次元 音乐 美食 展开 历届上岸学长都看过,考研张宇狮子王片段!叫醒堕落的自己 你必须承担起自己的责任,不能逃避!You are more than what you have become#考研#考研张宇 84 2 28 44 举报 发布时间:2023-10-19 10:37 鹅要上岸择校咨询 粉丝5414获赞15.1万 ...
Mufasa:Simba,you have forgot me.Simba:No,how could I?Mufasa:You have forgot who you are,and you've forgot me.Look inside yourself Simba, you're more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life.Simba:How can I go back?I'm not I used to ...
- You have forgotten who you are...and so have forgotten me. -Look inside yourself, Simba. - You are more than what you have become. -You must take your place in the circle of life. 【重点词汇讲解】 1. That's just my reflection. ...
17、Look inside yourself, you are more than what you have become.木法沙:审视你自己,你不止于此。歌词:1、这世界远比想象中精彩,太多的美景值得去看,太多的事情值得去做,新鲜的事情探索不完,穿越那红宝石般的天空,太阳依旧高挂在天边,借着信念与爱,直到我们找到生命的真谛,2、From the day we ...
Remember who you are 迪士尼真是有奇怪的魔力,每次都让我大哭。对于狮子王小时候都有看过,可是我记得我没有喜欢这个电影,因为印象中他就是很悲伤。之所以想去看是因为在考研的时候,听宇哥的课,他是讲数学的,却在课上写下了那句you are more than what you havebecome now!他说这句话一直激励着他,也希望...
You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life. 看看你的内心深处,辛巴。 你不应该是现在这个样子。 你必须在生命轮回中找到自己。 短语1:more than 比……更 用法1:more than放数次前,表超过;