想说的太多了,这个故事我听了两遍,每一遍感受都会不同,或许是经历的多了吧,那一句 You are more than what you have become.我牢记在心,感谢宇哥,我会一直坚持下去,直到 get it,我再也不会轻易说放弃,感谢您的激励。也分享给还在考研路上的小伙伴们,加油^0^~版
1、you are more than what you have become.你不仅仅是你现在的样子。2、She's looking in the dark. He is smiling in return.她在暗送秋波。他在报以微笑。3、Why should I believe you? Everything you ever told me was a lie.我为何要相信你?你所说的一切都是谎话。4、Look at tho...
You are more than what you have become。考研英语还是得跟张宇,受益匪浅了。#张宇 #25考研 #狮子王 #考研数学#考研英语 - Earth.于20240404发布在抖音,已经收获了558个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
No.2 I laugh in the face of danger.面对危险,我会放声大笑。(不惧怕危险)No.3 You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself Simba. You are more than what you have become.你已经忘记了你是谁,所以你也忘记了我的存在。看一看你的内心吧辛巴,...
在考研期间听张宇老师讲高等数学十八讲的时候,张宇老师就引用《狮子王》中的一句“you are more than better what you have become now." 当时还一直用这句话自我鼓励,在考研自习室从倒计时90天一直坚持到了考研结束,也正是这一句话给自己一个理由去遇见一个更好的自己,一直有个信念,相信通过...
二次元 音乐 美食 展开 历届上岸学长都看过,考研张宇狮子王片段!叫醒堕落的自己 你必须承担起自己的责任,不能逃避!You are more than what you have become#考研#考研张宇 84 2 28 44 举报 发布时间:2023-10-19 10:37 鹅要上岸择校咨询 粉丝5414获赞15.1万 ...
2. "I laugh in the face of danger." 面对危险,我会放声大笑。3. "You have forgotten who you are, and so have forgotten me. Look inside yourself Simba. You are more than what you have become." 你已经忘记了你是谁,所以你也忘记了我的存在。看一看你的内心吧辛巴,其实你比...
在考研期间听张宇老师讲高等数学十八讲的时候,张宇老师就引用《狮子王》中的一句“you are more than better what you have become now." 当时还一直用这句话自我鼓励,在考研自习室从倒计时90天一直坚持到了考研结束,也正是这一句话给自己一个理由去遇见一个更好的自己,一直有个信念,相信通过考研可以进行自我改...
You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life. 看看你的内心深处,辛巴。 你不应该是现在这个样子。 你必须在生命轮回中找到自己。 短语1:more than 比……更 用法1:more than放数次前,表超过; 例句:The number of people in this school more than 2000....