This is another popular way to eat peanuts, especially during the Chinese New Year period. This sweet, crispy, and fragrant dessert is mainly made with shelled peanuts and malt sugar.这是另一种流行的吃花生的方式,特别是在中国新...
英文回答: Making specialty pastries is a fun and rewarding process that requires attention to detail and a love for baking. There are many different types of specialty pastries, each with its own unique ingredients and techniques. One of my favorite specialty pastries to make is the classic Fren...
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年糕(nián-gāo,rice cake; new year cake),中国汉族的传统食物,属于农历新年的应时食品。年糕是用大米或糯米,煮成饭用打制或水磨成粉后压制而成的糕,在春节,中国很多地区都有讲究吃年糕。年糕有红、黄、白三色,象征金银,年糕又称“年年糕”,与“年年高”谐音,寓意着小孩身高一年比一年高。所以前...