牛峤的读音为“niú qiáo”。 牛峤,这位在唐代诗坛上留下独特印记的诗人,其名字中的“峤”字的确是一个多音字。在“牛峤”这个特定的组合中,应读作“qiáo”。 “峤”读“qiáo”时,含义丰富多样。它可以指高而尖的山,让人联想到那些高耸入云、陡峭险峻的山峰,给人以雄伟壮观之感。同时,“峤”也有泛指高山...
牛峤的读音:niúqiáo。牛峤,字松卿,一字延峰。乾符五年进士及第。历官拾遗,补尚书郎,后人又称牛给事。以词著名,词格类温庭筠。原有歌诗集三卷,现存词三十三首,见《花间集》诗六首。 牛峤的《菩萨蛮·玉楼冰簟》是其中一首代表作:玉楼冰簟鸳鸯锦,粉融香汗流山枕。帘外辘轳声,敛眉含笑惊。柳阴烟漠漠,低鬓...
补充资料:牛峤 Niu Qiao牛峤(850?~920?) 五代词人。字松卿,一字延峰。陇西(今甘肃)人。唐文宗宰相牛僧孺之孙。僖宗乾符五年(878)进士,历官拾遗、补阙、尚书郎。王建以节度使镇蜀,召授为判官。哀帝天四年(907),王建称帝,拜给事中。 牛峤博学能文,以歌诗著名当时,自称慕李贺长歌,作诗常加仿效。善制小令,...
牛峤(850?~920?)2) Niu Qiao 牛峤 1. Niu Qiao was one of the importance of poets in the late Tang and Five Dynasties , his works had been widely circulated at that time, the existed record of his works mainly in the "Hua Jian Ji". 牛峤是唐末五代的重要词人之一,其作品在当时已...
牛峤(850?~920?)2) Niu Qiao 牛峤 1. Niu Qiao was one of the importance of poets in the late Tang and Five Dynasties , his works had been widely circulated at that time, the existed record of his works mainly in the "Hua Jian Ji". 牛峤是唐末五代的重要词人之一,其作品在当时已...
牛峤 1. Niu Qiao was one of the importance of poets in the late Tang and Five Dynasties , his works had been widely circulated at that time, the existed record of his works mainly in the "Hua Jian Ji". 牛峤是唐末五代的重要词人之一,其作品在当时已广为流传,现存牛峤的作品主要收录在《...