决策过程:当状态变为“decision in process”(DIP),这通常意味着编辑已经完成了初步审查,正在做出是...
而网页版显示具体数量。 四、当满足期刊要求审稿意见个数后,就会变成Decision in Process。 到了这一步就快要有第一次审稿结果了,编辑依据审稿意见及自己审理意见考虑是给拒稿、大修、小修、直接接收等四个意见之一,一般情况下没有直接接收的,非常少直接接接收,除非作者的稿件在期刊水平之上。 五、Minor revision/M...
在期刊发表状态查询中,“Decision in process”这一状态经常出现。它表明编辑部当前正对某篇论文进行最后定夺。此过程涉及编辑对修改后稿件的审核、对作者回应审稿意见的评估,甚至可能包括再次征询同行审稿人的意见。 等待一个多月并不罕见,毕竟编辑手头不只处理你这一篇稿件,还有其他论文需要关注。你的论文或许在排队等...
Decision in Process状态持续一个多月的时间,也算正常范围,一般2个月内都算合理的时间。你在这边想的...
如果非要了解这些状态变化的含义,可以给你解析一下。从"with editor"直接跳转到"decision in process"意味着编辑并未将稿件送审,而直接做出拒绝的决定。之后稿件被发送给总编再次审核,结果又被退回,重新分配给其他编辑,状态又变为"with editor"。这就是你观察到的状态变化。虽然这些变化对于论文最终的...
Once a decision has been made on an article, the Corresponding Author will be notified. If the ...
Decision Pending The handling Editor has submitted a decision and the submis?ion is now pending the higher level Editor's decision. Decision in Progress The final Handling Editor in a journal with split decision and author notification tasks has submitted a decision but the Administrative Editor ...
DecisionLetterfromEditor SubmitRevision Replacingthefiles ChecktheboxtoIncludefilesfromoriginalsubmission EESSelfHelp FAQ TutorialforAuthor Tips&Trick 4.PublishingProcess-Production OnlineubmissionESAutomaticandoverarlyeb presencenline Refereeingrepare yourrticle ELSEVIERditorial-Productionully citableaper ...
主编看了,就成了decision in process 发自小木虫Android客户端
Once an editor decides whether to accept or reject a paper, the decision is transmitted through the same system – EES. If accepted, the paper is then passed to Elsevier staff who start the formal process leading to the paper’s production as a published article. LC N “I just want to ...