这里是煎鸡蛋的做法,here is a guide on frying an egg 方法/步骤 1 A pan should be heated to medium.2 Heat up the pan with a small bit of oil or butter.3 Crack an egg into the pan.4 The eggs should be boiled for 1-2 minutes, or until the whites are set.5 Flip over and cont...
煎鸡蛋的做法英文4句左右,急 First turn on the egg in the bowl chopsticks and mix well Ignition put oil into the pan then put chopped green onion put the whole egg liquid in the pan Don't too often of stirring and when the egg is set into pieces put t a little salt and stir to bl...
中文回答: 要做煎鸡蛋,你需要: 1 个鸡蛋。 1 汤匙黄油或油。 盐和胡椒(可选)。 说明: 1. 在不粘锅中用中火加热黄油或油。 2. 将鸡蛋打入锅中,煮 2-3 分钟,或直到边缘凝固且蛋清煮熟。 3. 翻面再煮 1-2 分钟,或直到蛋黄煮到你想要的熟度。 4. 可选,用盐和胡椒调味。 5. 立即食用。©...
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