The heating unit of the coffee bottle is able to heat the water boil which flow from the bottle storage tank when the power is connected; then the steam will push the water out of the water pipe before the water flow into the coffee bottle via dripping through the coffee pow...
a原始的產品 Ursprüngliches Produkt[translate] a滴漏口下有一直软管深入到咖啡机的水盒里,将沸腾后的水从水盒里吸上来,滴漏进漏斗的咖啡粉中。通过慢慢浸透的方式,滤纸会过滤掉滤渣,然后一滴滴慢慢滴入下方的咖啡壶中。滴漏式GHD的工作原理非常简单。[translate]...
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