MEBO治疗瘀积性湿疹伴发溃疡的临床观察 更多例句>> 3) Ulcers[英]['ʌlsə] [美]['ʌlsɚ] 溃疡 1. Gene expression of platelet derived growth factors and their receptors in dermal chronic ulcers; 皮肤溃疡中血小板源性生长因子及其受体基因表达的变化 ...
例句>> 5) ulcer stage pressure sore 溃疡期压疮 1. Objective To explore the efficacy of human fetal membranes(HFM) pressing in combination with infrared irradiation(II) in treatingulcer stage pressure sores. 目的探讨人胎膜敷贴联合红外线灯照射治疗溃疡期压疮的效果。
沪江词库精选溃疡英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 ulcer to ulcerate 相似短语 atheromatous ulcer粥样化性溃疡 carcinomatous ulcer癌性溃疡 decubital ulcer褥疮,褥疮性溃疡 follicular ulcer滤泡性溃疡 girdle ulcer环状溃疡 ulcer dietphr. 溃疡病膳食 ...
溃疡症 1. The characters and sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria of ulcerate disease to drugs in Haliotis diversicolor were studied. 从患病杂色鲍Haliotisdiversicolor病灶上以TCBS及 2 2 1 6E平板划线各分离到两株致病性细菌 ,经人工感染实验可出现与自然发病相同的症状 ,并从感染鲍分离到同一菌株 ,证明该两株...
canker相关短语 canker sore 口溃疡 larch canker 落叶松溃疡 canker sores n.口疮 patch canker 斑溃疡 blister canker 疱状溃疡 canker of citrus 柑桔波皮病 crucifer canker 十字花科蔬菜黑胫病 stem canker phr. 蔷薇结,蔷薇花饰 chestnut canker phr. 栗疫病 brown canker 褐色溃疡 ...
沪江词库精选口溃疡英文怎么写及英语单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 canker sore 相似短语 canker sore口溃疡 larch canker落叶松溃疡 canker soresn.口疮 patch canker斑溃疡 blister canker疱状溃疡 canker of citrus柑桔波皮病 crucifer canker十字花科蔬菜黑胫病 ...
溃疡基本释义 cankered;cankerous;ulcerative;ulcered专业释义 <石油> abscess <农牧林> canker;sore;ulcer;ulcerate;ulcerousness <化学> helcosis <医学> anabrosis;anabrotic;burrowing phagedenic ulcer;helc-;helco-;exulceratio;exelcisis;exelcosis;cancrum;ulcerating;elkosis;Meleney;Cruveilhier;Curling;...
marginal ulcer of gastroenteric stoma 胃肠吻合口边缘溃疡 penetrating ulcer of anastomotic stoma 穿透性吻合口溃疡 ulcer of gastroenteric stoma 胃肠吻合口溃疡 stenosis of gastroenteric stoma 胃肠吻合口狭窄 anomocytic type of stoma 不规则型气孔 dysfunction of gastroenteric stoma 胃肠吻合口机能障碍 ...
消化性溃疡/诊断 5) peptic ulcer perforation/DI 消化性溃疡穿孔/诊断 6) Ulcerative colitis/diagnosis 溃疡性结肠炎/诊断 补充资料:Cushing溃疡 Cushing溃疡 Cushing ulcer 即“应激性溃疡”。 说明:补充资料仅用于学习参考,请勿用于其它任何用途。 参考词条...