温度敏感受性突变体句子 文献(pubmed) 赞助商链接以下为句子列表:英文: Isolation of Temperature-sensitive Mutant of Yeast Saccharamyces cerevisae RAD16 Gene and Identification of Human Homolog中文: 酵母DNA修复基因RAD16温度敏感突变株的分离及人类互补基因的鉴定 英文...
温度敏感型突变体 5) conditional-lethal mutant 温度敏感性突变株 6) temperature-sensitive mutant 温度敏感突变株 1. Domestication oftemperature-sensitive mutantand optimization of L-glutamic acid-producing conditions; 谷氨酸温度敏感突变株的驯化及发酵条件研究 ...
温度敏感受性突变体 2. Preliminary Study of the Low Temperature Sensitive Mutant lts1; 水稻低温敏感突变体lts1的初步研究 3. cold sensitive mutant 冷敏(感)突变体,冷敏(感)突变型 4. Screening of La-Resistance and La-sensitive Mutants of Arabidopsis 拟南芥镧抗性和敏感性突变体的筛选 5. Studies...