Tcp主动关闭连接导致TIME_WAIT状态 最近写了一个进程,需要通过20个线程循环600个用户获取每一个用户的xx信息,是通过socket连接oracle mdb服务器获取的,但是在本机windows上测试发现大量的TIME_WAIT状态,按照网上的说法,调了注册表的参数,但是无济于事,Socket.setReuseAddress... ...
This will set a timeout for the server process to wait for data from the client process. Inactive Sessions: These are sessions that remain connected to the database with a status in v$session of INACTIVE. Example of an INACTIVE session: - A user starts a program/session, then leaves it...
NOTE: SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUT can be set on the SERVER side sqlnet.ora file. This will set a timeout for the server process to wait for data from the client process. Inactive Sessions: These are sessions that remain connected to the database with a status in v$session of INACTIVE. Example ...
NOTE: SQLNET.RECV_TIMEOUT can be set on the SERVER side sqlnet.ora file. This will set a timeout for the server process to wait for data from the client process. Inactive Sessions: These are sessions that remain connected to the database with a status in v$session of INACTIVE. Example ...
to wait for data from the client process. Inactive Sessions: These are sessions that remain connected to the database with a status in v$session of INACTIVE. Example of an INACTIVE session: - A user starts a program/session, then leaves it running and idle for an extended period of time....