2关于2021-2022学年第一学期全校公... 3关于2019-2020学年第二学期全校 公... 4淮北师范大学关于开通《新型冠状病... 5《军事理论》与《大学生安全教育》... 6《军事理论》、《大学生安全教育》... 7关于2019-2020学年第一学期全校 公... 院部列表更多 ...
一、项目基本情况 项目编号:2024BFAFZ02909 项目名称:淮北师范大学智慧教学平台及通识课程资源 预算金额:66万元 最高限价:66万元 采购需求:智慧教学平台及通识课程资源等一批,详见招标文件 合同履行期限:自合同签订之日起一年,在实际执行过程中,如中标人履约评价良好,可续签下年合同,合同一年一签,续签不超过两年。
2024-12-30 中标|废标公告 安徽省|淮北市|相山区 项目编号 2024BFAFZ02909 招标状态 中标|废标公告 发布时间 2024-12-30 16:37:46 标书获取截止时间 投标截止时间 开标时间 招标单位 淮北师范大学 预算金额 中标单位 中标金额 代理单位 安徽公共资源交易集团项目管理有限公司 相关产品 智慧教学平台及通识课...
2021 英语(卓越班)英汉笔译 加入人数:27人主讲老师:潘学权 扫码获取课程及作业通知 本课程排行榜 名次用户答题数总分 1涂靓141236 2吴羿妤141235 3邢梦141198 4王宇141158 5张子蕤141153
淮北师范大学智慧教学平台及通识课程资源终止公告[2024] 淮北师范大学智慧教学平台及通识课程资源终止公告 一、项目基本情况 采购项目编号:2024BFAFZ02909 采购项目名称:淮北师范大学智慧教学平台及通识课程资源 二、项目终止的原因 经评审,符合专业条件的供应商不足三家,本次采购终止。 三、其他补充事宜 ...
Sparks flew off the electric baton. 电棍的电流并不是很大,但是瞬间产生的电压却高达十万伏。 The electric current of the electric baton was not very strong, but the voltage produced in an instant was as high as 100,000 volts. 只要接触到上面的电弧,百分百的能够将一个人电晕。
让我们最后训练模型。 Training a regression model with TensorFlow 用TensorFlow训练一个回归模型 You’ll now build a sequential model made of fully connected layers. There are many imports to do, so let’s get that out of the way: 现在您将构建一个由完全连接的层组成的顺序模型。有许多导入要做,...
也正是因为如此,罗铮才会决定,在炼化精血之后,马上突破化元境。 It was precisely because of this that Luo Zheng decided to immediately break through to the Origin Transformation Realm after refining the essence blood. 一天时间过去了,罗铮完全沉浸在修为快速的提升之中,体悟着身躯的强大,随着修为和实力的提...
He clearly remembered the situation before he fainted. The Xiang Liu Martial Spirit had completely disappeared. At that time, he was very worried. He didn't know where the road of martial arts should go after he lost his Martial Spirit. He didn't know if he could continue to march. ...
"After Yu Jing transformed into a golden Jiao dragon, her speed was so fast that it would not be a problem for her to fly over mountains and rivers in a day. She actually said that she was too far away from home, so how big is this world? Perhaps the Hundred Battles Dynasty and ...