是的,船长 I can't hear you. 太小声咯 Aye Aye Captain! 是的!船长! OHHHHHHH ~ 是谁住在深海的大菠萝里 海绵宝宝 ! 以前看这部动画时 总把注意力放在海绵宝宝与派大星这对滑稽兄弟上 回头一看 有许多温馨的小细节却被忽略掉了...
海绵宝宝icanhearyou意思是我可以听到你《海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob SquarePants)是一部由舍曼·科恩、沃特·杜赫、山姆·亨德森、保罗·蒂比特、沃尔特·道恩等导演,汤姆·肯尼、比尔·法格巴克、罗杰·布帕斯等配音的美国喜剧动画,于1999年7月17日在尼克国际儿童频道开播。《海绵宝宝》的故事情节主要围绕着主角...
完整英文台词 Captain: 'Are you ready kids?' Kids: 'Aye Aye Captain!' Captain: 'I can't hear you!' Kids: 'Aye Aye Captain!' All: 'Ohhhhhhhhh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants!' 台词结构与作用 互动式提问 船长(Captain)以“A...
《海绵宝宝》主题曲歌词为:“Are you ready kids? Aye Aye Captain! I can’t hear you! Aye Aye Captain! Ohhhhhhhhh! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SpongeBob SquarePants! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he! SpongeBob SquarePants! If nautical nonsense be something you w...
I CAN'T HEAR YOU! AYE AYE CAPTAIN! ohhhhhh!!! Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQU...AREPANTS! Absorbent and yellow and porous is he 全部展开 收起 炎魔神花卉 2011-06-04 16:43 海绵宝宝主题曲: Are you ready kids? Aye-aye Captain. I can't hear you... Aye-Ay...
那老头是船长,他喊的是ARE YOU READY KIDS?(准备好了吗孩子们)孩子们回答“ AYE AYE,CAPTAIN~(是的,是的,船长)”船长“I CAN'T HEAR YOU”(我听不见哦!意思是指孩子们喊得声音太小咯)于是孩子们又大声地喊了一遍 是的船长!我也超喜欢海绵宝宝!!! 母婴用户449519654 2010-12-27 13:47 宝宝知道提示...
船长:Are ya ready kids?孩子们:Aye Aye Captain.船长:I can't hear you.孩子们:Aye Aye Captain!船长:OHHHHHHH, Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?孩子们:SpongeBob SquarePants!船长:Absorbent and yellow and porous is he!孩子们:SpongeBob SquarePants!船长:If nautical nonsense...
I can't hear you. Aye Captain. Oh~~~" 你是不是曾早早守在电视机旁,等着《动漫世界》开播,只为看两集《海绵宝宝》? 你是不是也曾用"一个星期不吃零食"的交换条件来向爸爸妈妈讨《海绵宝宝》的碟片? 你是不是也喜欢珊迪的小树屋,渴望有个派大星一样的...
Hey,I can't hear you!(海绵宝宝调,会唱的来!) 是什么在深夜里拯救你饥饿的灵魂?!网!红!炸!鸡!是什么吃饭时在缠绵你的味蕾!!网!红!炸!鸡!是什么在无味时挑动你的食欲?!网!红!炸!鸡!超...
海绵宝宝开头歌词如下:Are you ready kids?准备好了吗?孩子们?Aye, aye, captain!是的,船长!I can't hear you!太小声罗!Aye, aye, captain!是的,船长!以下是海绵宝宝的相关介绍:《海绵宝宝》(SpongeBob SquarePants)是一部由舍曼·科恩、沃特·杜赫、山姆·亨德森、保罗·蒂比特、沃尔特...