Shenzhen Heiman Technology Limited is a High-tech enterprise,specializing in R&D,manufacture and distribution of smart home system products, security anti-theft electronic products and fire alarm electronic products.Products series covered smart home sys
Heiman technology factory exploration Automation more SMT patch automation more Smoke alarm automatic production line more Matter enables the Internet of Things more Wireless Interconnected Carbon Monoxide Alarm HM-733 more Wireless interconnected Heat Alarm HM-205 more Carbon Monoxide Alar...
Shenzhen Heiman Technology Limited is a High-tech enterprise,specializing in R&D,manufacture and distribution of smart home system products, security anti-theft electronic products and fire alarm electronic products.Products series covered smart home sys
Shenzhen Heiman Technology Limited is a High-tech enterprise,specializing in R&D,manufacture and distribution of smart home system products, security anti-theft electronic products and fire alarm electronic products.Products series covered smart home sys
深圳市海曼科技股份有限公司成立于2005年,是一家基于物联网、云计算、大数据、AI技术开发应用的国家高新技术企业,专注于智能家居安全领域,立志为全球用户提供安全的智能家居产品、全方位智慧生活解决方案及技术服务,目前已深入布局智能家居、智慧养老、智慧消防、智慧办公等领域。 依托公司近15年持续不懈地技术创新及行业研...
深圳市海曼科技股份有限公司成立于2005年,是一家基于物联网、云计算、大数据、人工智能等技术专注智能家居、智慧消防研发生产的国家高新技术企业,致力于为全球用户提供智慧生活全方位解决方案及技术服务。 依托公司近16年持续不懈的创新技术积累及资深的研发团队,公司在传感技术方面取得了国外内领先优势,目前已深入布局智能...