注射用亚叶酸钙 【其他名称】 注射用亚叶酸钙 注射用亚叶酸钙 拼音名:Zhusheyong Yayesuangai 英文名:Calcium Folinate For Injection 书页号:2000年版二部-224 本品为亚叶酸钙的无菌冻干品。按平均装量计算,含亚叶酸钙(C20H21CaN7O7)应为标 示量的85.0%~115.0 %。
左旋亚叶酸钙注射用粉末说明书(英文).pdf,HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Treatment is repeated daily for five days. This five-day treatment course may These highlights do not include all the information needed to use Fusilev be repeated at 4 week (
HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Treatment is repeated daily for five days. This five-day treatment course may These highlights do not include all the information needed to use Fusilev be repe
注射用亚叶酸钠的细菌内毒素检查6) Folinate for injection 注射用亚叶酸盐补充资料:注射用亚叶酸钙 【通用名称】 注射用亚叶酸钙 【其他名称】 注射用亚叶酸钙 注射用亚叶酸钙 拼音名:Zhusheyong Yayesuangai 英文名:Calcium Folinate For Injection 书页号:2000年版二部-224 本品为亚叶酸钙的无菌冻干品。按...