汉滩病毒 1. Transformation of full-length gene of mouse/human chimeric antibody against Hantaan virus into Arabidopsis thaliana; 抗汉滩病毒中和性鼠/人嵌合抗体基因转化拟南芥的初步研究 2. Quantitative analysis of the patterns of heat shock protein 70 expression induced by Hantaan virus infection in...
汉滩病毒核蛋白 1. Purification and immunological characteristics ofHTNV NPexpressed by the recombinant baculovirus; 汉滩病毒核蛋白纯化及其免疫学特性的研究 更多例句>> 补充资料:病毒癌基因 分子式: CAS号: 性质:病毒中存在的致癌基因的总称。逆转录病毒癌基因一般用三个斜体小写英文字母命名,表明其所在病毒的...
汉滩病毒 1. Transformation of full-length gene of mouse/human chimeric antibody against Hantaan virus into Arabidopsis thaliana; 抗汉滩病毒中和性鼠/人嵌合抗体基因转化拟南芥的初步研究 2. Quantitative analysis of the patterns of heat shock protein 70 expression induced by Hantaan virus infection in...
目的 研究汉滩病毒 (HTV)感染对应激基因表达的影响.方法 病毒感染 ,Westernblot,免疫组化 ,免疫荧光双标记 ,激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察 ,RNA斑点杂交 ,原位杂交.结果 HTV感染细胞中Hsp70高表达 ,病毒感染后Hsp70从细胞浆转位至细胞核 ,病毒感染后不同时间点Hsp70的分布不一 ,间接免疫荧光双标记显示感染细胞的胞浆中...
汉滩病毒 1. Transformation of full-length gene of mouse/human chimeric antibody againstHantaan virusinto Arabidopsis thaliana; 抗汉滩病毒中和性鼠/人嵌合抗体基因转化拟南芥的初步研究 2. Quantitative analysis of the patterns of heat shock protein 70 expression induced byHantaan virusinfection in vitro;...