更多例句>> 2) Rate [英][reɪt] [美][ret] 比率 1. Among those players,moderate injury covers 28. 4%;中度和重度运动损伤的发生比率男子高于女:由于该项目技术特点和运动员下肢力量较弱,损伤部位主要为膝、足踝、腰;主要原因依次为准备活动不充分、注意力不集中。 2. By analyzing the rate of ...
ratio of two ratio estimators 两个比率估计量的比率 contact ratio and overlap ratio 【化】 重合度; 齿轮重合度 backcross ratio 回交率 band ratio 波段比值 bifurcation ratio 分叉比 amortization ratio 分摊比例 armature ratio 衔铁比 circumference ratio 圆周率 closed ratio 密接变速比 common ratio 公比,公...
关键比率 2) Critical Ratio 临界比;关键比率 3) key business ratios 关键行业比率 4) Key comparison 关键比对 5) key ratio 关键比值 1. Process control system utilizes technologies of EV,key ratioetc, and data is acquired immediately such as budgeted cost of work schedule (BCWS), budgeted co. ...
比,比率,比例(主要指事物之间的数字比,倍数比.) 2. probability proportionate to size 样本大小的概率比例 3. probability proportional to size sampling 概率比例规模抽样法 4. A/R [at the rate of] 以……比例[abbr.] 5. Method of Measuring Percentage Elongation after Fracture of Standard Proporti...
沪江词库精选两个比率估计量的比率英语怎么说及英文单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 ratio of two ratio estimators 相似短语 ratio of two ratio estimators 两个比率估计量的比率 contact ratio and overlap ratio 【化】 重合度; 齿轮重合度 backcross ratio 回交率 band ratio 波段比值 bifurcation ...
安全边际比率 margin of safety ratio相关短语 on the margin of 处于…的边缘,濒临… on margin 【经】 凭保证金额度(购买证券) in the margin 在空白处 buying on margin 交押金买进,边际购买 ceiling margin 上极限 confirming margin 保兑保证金 design margin 临界设计 effective margin 有效界限 forward marg...
比率依赖Ivlev-Tanner模型的定性分析 14. Comparison of Alternative Models of Short-Term Interest Rate under CKLS Framework; CKLS框架下短期利率模型的比较分析 15. A Comparative Analysis of Realized Volatility and GARCH Model; 实际波动率与GARCH模型的特征比较分析 16. Analysis of Key Ratios in Pricing...
英文翻译 Financial ratio analysis 重点词汇 财务───Finance;比率───ratio 双语使用场景 She is an expert infinance.───她是一名财政专家. There remains the problem offinance.───财政问题仍然存在。 Companyfinanceis to provide funds for the everyday operation of the business.───公司融资是...
3) ratio set 比率集合4) ratio aggregates 综合比率 例句>> 5) optimum substitution rate 合意替代率 1. Establishing a Rational Adjustment Mechanism of Basic Old-age Pension for Enterprise Retirees:Taken dynamic optimum substitution rate of basic pension as an reference 建立合理的企业退休人员...