比尔盖茨英语名言 比尔盖茨十条英语名言 life is not fair, get used to it. 生活是不公平的;要去适应它。 the world won't care about your self-esteem. the world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself. 这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界指望你在自我感觉良好之...
比尔盖茨名言英语 比尔盖茨是世界上最富有和最成功的人之一,他的成功离不开他的智慧和勤奋。以下是比尔盖茨的一些名言,这些语录在商业、科技和人生中都有启示意义。 1. Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. (成功是一个糟糕的老师。它迷惑聪明人认为他们不可能...
精选比尔盖茨英语名言1、我很幸远,年纪轻轻就发现我的爱好,而且令我如此着迷,至今还是如此。 i am fortunate to have discovered my hobbies at a very young age, and i am so fascinated by them that i am still so fascinated by them. 2、人生没有冷署候,人生不是学期制,没有哪个雇主有爱好帮你寻找...
比尔盖茨英语名言 (1)是不公平的,要去适应它; life is unfair, you want to adapt it. (2)这世界在你有成就前不会在意你的自尊; the world will not take your self-esteem, but for the self-satisfaction before you have success. (3)高中毕业别指望拥有太多; just returned from the school come ou...
关于他的英语名言,我们一起来探索一下吧! “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” 比尔盖茨曾提出,做出伟大成就的唯一途径就是热爱自己做的事情。这句话可以被称为“创业者宣言”,也是比尔盖茨背后最重要的信念。如果我们想要取得成功,我们就必须喜欢自己所做的事情,才能真正取得伟大的...
Life is a fire. The only thing we can do is to save something out of the fire. 6、把我们顶尖的个人才挖走,那么我告诉你,微软会变成一家无足轻重的公司。 To dig out our top man, then I tell you, Microsoft will become a company of no importance. ...
10.On nerds10.关于呆子 "Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one."“对呆子好一点,很有可能你以后要为呆子工作。” 以上就是为大家整理的“日常生活英语:比尔盖茨十句名言”相关内容,更多日常生活英语口语精彩内容,请关注本频道的持续更新!
多年来,盖茨箴言如珠,足显其对慈善事业乐善好施、对商业机敏睿智。 Here are some of the best of them: 如下是盖茨的至理名言: 放眼下一世纪,所谓领导者即是赋予我们力量的人。——比尔·盖茨 成功不是个好老师,成功引诱智者让他们认为自己输不起。——比尔·盖茨 因特网正逐渐成为明日地球村的市镇广场。
比尔盖茨十一条经典名言 体会:自己吃了亏,倒了霉,怨天尤人不对,怨父母更不对。把孩子惯坏了,父母有责任,但儿女自己也逃脱不掉。况且,走入了困境后,怨谁没有用,想方设法去努力才有出路。 7 .before you were born, your parents do not like so boring. they look into this today because these years ...