Shop the best selection of Bianchi at, where you'll find premium outdoor gear and clothing and experts to guide you through selection.
Totally re-engineered with the all-rounder in mind, the Specialissima helps you fly up the climbs and dominate on the flat. The carbon disc frame is light, just 750g, so none of your climbing power is wasted when the road turns upward, but it’s also superbly-stiff providing excellent ...
The Bianchi road bike series Endurance Racing includes four models of Bianchi wheels. These are the Bianchi Infiniti CV, the Bianchi Infiniti CV Disc, the Bianchi Intenso and the Bianchi Via Nirone. The road bike Endurance Racing models are the long-distance bikes of Bianchi. They basically offe...
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本人想入手一辆比安奇车送给女朋友,她很喜欢公路自行车,大学时参加过很多比赛也拿了名次,一个人热爱一件事就足够花一辈子来宠爱它。 我想买一款蓝绿色的车送给她。但是在网上和天猫、京东都没找到购买渠道。还请各位小哥哥小姐姐多多指点,在哪有正规的渠道购买。还有女款的车有什么需要特别注意的地方吗? 小弟在...
【官网】生日快乐:卡.. 1949年的4月26日,诞生了一位日后将成为了博卡历史上最成功的教练的孩子:卡洛斯·比安奇。 2009年4月26日,卡洛斯·比安奇年满60岁,并且依然在为他已经贡献很多的球队继续工作:博卡青年 “