Software Empowerment Software defining unique automotive DNAs Learn More 1 2 Intelligent Connected Car UXLab Smart Cockpit AD Validation ADAS&AD Participator and Founder of the Future Automotive Industrial Eco-system 22yrs Dedicated to the Car
中文|EN|日本語 Smart Cockpit Full Stack ICV Software Development Provider Smart cockpit experience for the next generation Committed to provide new generation of digital cockpit solutions based on AI&5G technology. Uxlab Through exploring the complete value experience of “human-vehicle ecosystem”, pro...
Software Empowerment Software defining unique automotive DNAs Learn More 1 2 Intelligent Connected Car UXLab Smart Cockpit AD Validation ADAS&AD Participator and Founder of the Future Automotive Industrial Eco-system 22yrs Dedicated to the Car
Corporate Philosophy ■To build up the business with technology The core technology is the basis for us to keep a foothold in society and serve customers. ■To strengthen the business with management Scientific, fine, rational and efficient management is the magic weapon for KOTEI to grow strong...
12月20日,国内领先智能汽车软件解决方案提供商武汉光庭信息举行2024年投资者开放日活动。活动以“AI开发 再塑汽车变革”为主题,向广大投资机构及券商代表深度阐述了光庭信息未来一年的发展策略及事业规划,重磅发布了光庭信息及超级软件工场全新品牌形象,超级软件工场2.0版本也正式亮相。品牌是企业外在形象的具体表现...
ADAS system solution Provide mass production software & hardware solutions for single millimeter wave radar, single camera, radar camera integrated machine, and also provide software & hardware solution for ADAS ECU based on millimeter wave radar and camera sensor....
12月20日,国内领先智能汽车软件解决方案提供商武汉光庭信息举行2024年投资者开放日活动。活动以“AI开发 再塑汽车变革”为主题,向广大投资机构及券商代表深度阐述了光庭信息未来一年的发展策略及事业规划,重磅发布了光庭信息及超级软件工场全新品牌形象,超级软件工场2.0版本也正式亮相。
武汉光庭科技有限公司,是一家从事汽车电子产品自主研发与生产的专业化高新技术企业。公司简介 光庭科技致力于汽车虚拟化组合仪表的设计与开发,导航娱乐信息系统的硬件与软件的开发和数据编译服务,以及车身电子的设计与开发,面向国内市场提供车载导航软件、硬件、数据一体化解决方案。凭借在汽车电子通用技术,虚拟化组合...