正义链 1. It is regarded in my opinion that the RNA of transcription product can t be used as the frame of reference, It shoud be comprehensively analyzed and named by the source of genetic informations coding form and expression style, I raise that the DNA chain which can be acted as ...
5) sense or antisense 正义/反义 1. AIM:To construct the sense or antisense IL-8 eukaryotic expression vectors. 结果:经验证,重组人IL-8正义/反义真核表达载体构建正确。6) Generalized Fibonacci chain 广义Fibonacci链补充资料:反义链 分子式:CAS号:性质:又称反义链。在20世纪60年代的文献上常把...
There are ten base pairs,which make up of the sense strand and antisense strand.我怎么觉得应该是碱基组成链的关系呢?这句话看起来让人觉得匪夷所思.
争霸无义战,兴亡百姓苦。帝国主义战争中争霸的双方都是非正义的,这个立场同志们应该一以贯之。真正的敌人在莫斯科,基辅,布鲁塞尔和华盛顿,而不是在其他地方。 惩前毖后,治病救人。希望同志们对信息有所甄别,不要因为形形色色的假新闻而陷入以讹传讹 yahaha: 最新好消息:达吉斯坦人民造反成功了,由于达吉斯坦人民暴...