止损位的英文翻译,止损位用英语怎么说,怎么读 读音:/zhǐ sǔn wèi/ 止损位的英文翻译 Stop loss level 词组短语 设置止损位keepstop 双语例句 1. If the market moves to your stop loss price, you should get out every single time. 一旦市场移动到你的止损位,你要第一时间止损。
aUntil then she had been holding on to the hope that her aunts were the ones lying because they didn't want her to leave 她到那时保持到希望她的伯母是说谎的那个,因为他们不要她离开 [translate] aI got a quote from NanNi(Xiaojin) for integrated control panel of DAKIN unit on 3rd floor ...
aI think the field of vision is very good.paul, you are so working hard, you will get what you want. 我认为视野是非常good.paul,您是,因此艰苦工作,您将得到什么您想要。 [translate] aDo you know that there are two special days for parents in America?One is Mother\'s Day on the second...
台学者:选不好蔡英文党主席位置都难保 据台媒报道,民进党桃园市长参选人林智坚因硕士论文抄袭风波,12日宣布退选,改由在地“立委”郑运鹏上阵,盼能及时止血。对此,台湾中国文化大学广告系教授钮则勋分析,郑运鹏虽然立即补上位,但政治能力不足,“只能止跌、无法回升”;而国民党参选人张善政仍像“云端”候选人,魅力...
台学者:选不好蔡英文党主席位置都难保 据台媒报道,民进党桃园市长参选人林智坚因硕士论文抄袭风波,12日宣布退选,改由在地“立委”郑运鹏上阵,盼能及时止血。对此,台湾中国文化大学广告系教授钮则勋分析,郑运鹏虽然立即补上位,但政治能力不足,“只能止跌、无法回升”;而国民党参选人张善政仍像“云端”候选人,魅力...
aLocals pack this comfy but classy neighbourhood bistro, with its seafood-heavy menu and red-checked tablecloths. Food combines Swedish husmanskost with savvy Gallic touches; don’t miss the fried herring. On the weekend, DJs hit the decks in the pumping, 30-something basement bar (except ...