《早起歌》儿歌时间到,快来听儿歌吧!歌词Wake up wake up醒醒,醒醒Brush your teeth刷刷你的牙Get up get up起床,起床Get up quick快起床Wake up wake up醒醒,醒醒Wash your hand洗洗你的手Get up get up起床,起床Get up quick快起床Wake up wake up醒醒,醒醒Wash your face洗洗你的脸Get up get...
《Wake up》是由Mike Macdermid、Adam Featherstone、Bryan Steele、David Brant作词并作曲,裴育填中文词,台风少年团演唱的一首歌,收录在专辑《V5》中。歌曲歌词 合:Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh Oh 马嘉祺:别有自负情节 身体里面蓄势待发的血液 几年摩拳擦掌后再重现 才够爆裂 姚景元:我有...
Wake up!Wake up!Wake up!Wake up!睁开眼!Beyond!Beyond!Beyond!Beyond!去超越!Right now!Right now!Right now!Right now!这感觉……过去,未来,现在,全重叠……Wake up!Wake up!Wake up!Wake up!睁开眼!Beyond!Beyond!Beyond!Beyond!去超越!Right now!Right now!Right no...
梦然- wake up
《wake up》是the vamps(吸血鬼乐队)于2015年10月02日正式发行的歌曲。the vamps在录制歌曲MV中还邀请前足球巨星大卫·贝克汉姆的大公子布鲁克林·贝克汉姆参与MV的录制。乐曲内容 You've been deep in a coma 你总像陷于昏迷般沉睡 But I stood right here 其实我就在你身边 When you thought there was no ...
Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up Wake Up 我不看右手表是几点 卷了头发想再见一面 快乐过午夜会不新鲜 就现在就今天 头歪过来靠在我左肩 刹车指尖扶正你的脸 心情变热锅上的蚂蚁 太烫了好危险 怎么可能可能 挚友过线 ...
《Wake Up》是美国知名翻唱达人、原创歌手、演员Maddi Jane的第三首原创歌曲,以数字单曲形式在iTunes和Spotify平台发行。于2015年6月30日正式发布,David Hunter, GreenRoom Productions执导,Rebecca Ludwig编舞,Danny和Natalie Hochstatter助理导演和协助完成拍摄。该单曲视频MV在YouTube的观看量已突破147万次(截至2018...
wake up, wake up on a saturday night could be new york maybe hollywood and vine london, paris maybe tokyo there's something going on anywhere i go tonight tonight, yeah tonight the city's restless it's all around me people in motion and sick of all the same routines and ...
Wake up wake up I don't wanna wake up wake up Wake up wake up I don't wanna wake up wake up Get on straight never switch lane on my job Every day 'cause it's hard not to see I came up in a big way and I hardly ever sleep well it's like a dream I don't ...