Beautiful Collision - I Can See You Now (Live)
酷狗音乐为您提供由The Gloomies、Big Red Roses演唱的高清音质无损I Can See You Nowmp3在线听,听I Can See You Now,只来酷狗音乐!
“I can see you now”这句歌词来自歌曲《That Girl》。“I can see you now”这句歌词想要表达的意思是我想见你的心情非常的急切。曾经那个我心爱的女孩,我却把她给弄丢了。我却一直不敢承认那个女孩已经不属于我了。如果能有重新再来一次的机会,我一定会大声的对着那个女孩说我喜欢你,不想与你错过。可...
This can't be the way we're supposed to be 这不该是我们的结果 I keep saying no 我一直否认 You gotta 一定还可以 There's gotta be a way to get you close to me 一定还有办法让我们重新来过 Now I know you gotta 到现在我才明白 Speak up if you want somebody 要对所爱之人...
I’vebeenwatchingyouforages 可我早已注视你多年 AndIspendmytimetryingnottofeelit 我也耗费许久 试图不让你注意到 Butwhatwouldyoudo 可倘若我如今前去触碰你 IfIwenttotouchyounow?你会做什么 Whatwouldyoudo 倘若他们永远不会找到我们 Iftheyneverfoundusout?你会做什么 Whatwouldyoudo 倘若我们未曾名声大噪 ...
I can see you now Just the way you were when daylight found you I can see you now With the morning's golden glory All around you I can see the wind Soft fingers running through your hair And morning light reflected in your eyes I can see the fields of flowers like a rainbow Splashed...
I'd rather go back in than leave you here You shouldn't have to do this by yourself But I can't do this for you You gotta fight this on your own Sit and wait to see if you get through 'cause I can't lose you now no I just can't My friends they all say that I need to...
酷狗音乐为您提供由张紫宁演唱的高清音质无损I wanna see you nowmp3在线听,听I wanna see you now,只来酷狗音乐!
歌曲名:I Can See It Now 歌手:Mary Chapin Carpenter 专辑:A Place In The World I can see it now, walking by myself And suddenly you're there walking with somebody else I can see it now, what's right up ahead A scene I've played a thousand times over in my head I can...