下面这篇攻略为大家带来了欧陆风云4DLL尚未支持此游戏版本弹窗问题解决办法。感兴趣的玩家可以看一下,希望对各位有帮助。 解决办法: 1:更新显卡,退出重新登录 2:在游戏文件夹中删除双字节补丁就可以了 欧陆风云4 类型:策略战棋画面:2D语言:简体中文版平台:PC 下载专区攻略视频...
helphelp 显示“No help for you!”。 helplog 将所有控制台命令帮助输出至game.log。 horde_unity [<数值> 可选] [<国家代码> 可选] 设置游牧团结。 ideadump 将有通用理念的国家输出至game.log。 imperial_authority [<数值> 可选] [<国家代码> 可选] 增加神圣罗马帝国的帝国权威。 imperial_in...
This DLC also adds support and portraits for female advisors who will spawn from the Women in History events and can (rarely) be generated in your court.### Gamebalance### Diplomacy- Can no longer cancel military access with countries that have enemy troops inside their borders.- Can no lo...
Sokoto is now easier to form和does no longer require an事件if you form them as Hausa。 The decision "Embrace Islam" can only be taken if the 国家 is free or a tributary。 Canada can now be formed by Quebec, Alaska和Cascadia。 The USA can now be formed by Texas, Florida, California,...
nopausetext 切换显示暂停指示条。 norevolts 调节会不会爆发叛军。 nowar 切换AI宣战。 observe_mode [] 进入观察者模式。 observe(spectator) 进入观察者模式。 on_action [] 运行on_action。 oos 使客户端go oos。 own [<省份ID>] [<国家代码> 可选] 改变省份拥有者。
The version where Naples is still in a personal union is more complicated, as offering the choice of becoming a Republic would give Naples a no-brainer – becoming a Republic would break the union. However, the rebels will still be able to establish a Republic if they break Naples, so the...
and the impact of technology on maintenance costs has increased.Governments: The "Tenures Abolition Policy" is now effective for the Chou dynasty.Religion: Changing religions no longer breaks alliances or undermines independence.Units: Recruit templates cannot be set for mercenary armies an...
as we are going to upgrade EUIV to 64-bit in the next update. This comes with various advantages, but it also means that EUIV will no longer be supported by 32-bit systems for all platforms: Windows, Mac and Linux. 1.28.3 will be the last playable version of EUIV for 32-bit syst...
Things diverge here a little for those who like to play on our older versions. If you are, for example, one of the people playing on the previous versions, anything from 1.4 up to 1.26, you will be in for a rude awakening as your game will no longer be set to that version on Stea...