橡木林1. High-value management of Quercus forests in Yunnan province was described from the resource status,current situation of management,value of Quercus forests,feasibility of development and utilization of Quercus forests and the techniques for Quercus coppice forests transformation. 从橡木的资源...
栎树橡木林 3) Quercus 栎树 1. The two-year-oldQuercusnuttallii andQuercusShumavdii B. 综合表明两种栎树都具有较强的耐水性,而纳塔栎更优于南方红栎,仅次于落羽杉。 4) oak 栎树 5) robur 栎树 6) American oaks 北美栎树 1. Preliminary report on introduction trials ofAmerican oaksin Taihu hilly ...
栎树橡木林 1) oak grove 栎树橡木林 2) oak[英][əʊk] [美][ok] 橡树;栎木 3) oak tree 栎树,槲树,橡树 4) oak tree 栎树;槲树;橡树 5) Lilhocarpes xylocarous forest 木果石栎林 6) Quercus forest 橡木林 1. High-value management ofQuercus forests in Yunnan province was described ...
沪江词库精选栎树橡木林英文怎么写、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 oak forestoak grove 相似短语 cloud forest 温带雨林 forest acreage 森林覆盖率 forest canopy 林冠覆盖 forest capital 森林资本 forest concession 森林采伐权,林业产销证 forest devastation 森林破坏 forest floor 林床,林地覆被物,森林...