楚门说的“早安,午安,晚安”原文英文是:“Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!” 在电影《楚门的世界》中,这句话成为了楚门的标志性问候。它不仅是一句简单的问候语,更蕴含着楚门对生活的热爱与坚持,以及他在面对虚假世界时的勇敢和决心。 “Good mo...
《楚门的世界》这部电影中有一句非常经典的台词:“假如再碰不见你,祝你早安、午安、晚安。” 这句话充满了深深的思念和牵挂,仿佛在说:“如果你再也不会出现在我的生活中,那么我希望你每一天都能安好。”这句台词用英语表达就是:“Good morning, and in case I don't see you, Good afternoon, Good evenin...
台词:“Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!” 释义:早上好!假如再也见不到你,那就再祝你下午好,晚上好,晚安!这句台词体现了楚门对生活中每一次相遇和告别的珍视。 接受现实 台词:“We accept the reality ...
No.1Good Morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night! 早上好!假如再也见不到你,那就再祝你下午好,晚上好,晚安! No.2We accept the reality of the world with which we're presented. 我们都会接受眼前的现实。 No.3No way, mister. You're going to...
电影一开始是许多人对这部真人秀的观点,画面一转,一个一般的早晨,楚门像往常相同出门上班,和周围的人和邻居说着早安。“Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!”这是他最常说的话。周围的人看似与他亲热的问候,却在不断的植入广告。楚学日子在一...
楚门早安:Good morning, Chu's gate (or Chu's domain/realm). 楚门午安:Good afternoon, Chu's gate (or Chu's domain/realm). 楚门晚安:Good night, Chu's gate (or Chu's domain/realm). 应用场景: 这些表达可以用于向与“楚门”相关的人或事物致以时间上的问候...
(一) Good morning, and in case I don't see you, Good afternoon, Good evening, And good night.——假如再碰不见你们,祝你们早安、午安、晚安。 (二) Things haven't worked out for us like we used to dream they would.l know what that feeling's like. Everything slipping away.You don'...
Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!大家对这句话熟悉吗?这就是金·凯瑞在《楚门的世界》里最经典的一句台词,有没有勾起你的回忆?《楚门的世界》是派拉蒙影业公司于1998年出品的一部电影。由彼得·威尔执导,金·凯瑞、劳拉·琳妮、诺亚·艾默里奇...
Good morning, and in case I don't see you, Good afternoon, Good evening, And good night. 假如再碰不见你,祝你早安、午安、晚安。 ✨【02】 You're going to the top Of this mountain, Broken legs and all. 你即使一拐一拐,也得爬上山顶。 ✨【03】 ——You're talking Like a teenager...
以下是电影《楚门的世界》中十个有趣的英语句子及其赏析: 1. "Good morning, and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"早上好,以防我再也见不到你,祝你下午好,晚上好,晚安! 赏析:这是楚门每天早上出门时都会对邻居说的一句话,这句话展现了楚门乐观的性格和对生活...