椭偏率1. The results are presented of rotation angle, axial ratio, and chiral parameters. 通过测量两次复反射系数、透射偏转角和椭偏率,计算得到介质的手性参量和电磁参量。2. The results are presented of rotation angle,axial ratio,and chiral parameters. 通过测量两次复反射系数、透射偏转角和椭偏率,...
激光椭偏率2) axial ratio 椭偏率 1. The results are presented of rotation angle, axial ratio, and chiral parameters. 通过测量两次复反射系数、透射偏转角和椭偏率,计算得到介质的手性参量和电磁参量。 2. The results are presented of rotation angle,axial ratio,and chiral parameters. 通过测量两次...