ago to the canteen 去军用餐具[translate] a将衣服和棉被放入压缩袋后抽出里面的空气,使袋内保持亚真空状态 Put in inside clothes and the cotton-wadded quilt compress the bag to extract the air, makes in the bag to maintain the Asia vacuum state[translate]...
掀开棉被,让空调呼出的冷气钻入被窝,发了一个小小的颤抖,睡意尽褪。走出房间,顿时感到暖气扑面而至,五月末的天气,依然湿热. When I open eyes, the ceiling is a piece of blank, the head also is a piece of blank.Without the nightmare, does not have the thunderclap, does not have the sound of ...