aget off 得到[translate] a2、返修箱体必须由品管检验合格并贴上合格标签方可转入下部门。 Under 2nd, the repair box body must qualified and pastes on the qualified label by the tube examination only then to change over to the department.[translate]...
QC贴纸 合格证标签 检验贴纸物料标识 合格不干胶标识卡定制工厂 ¥0.02 查看详情 化工桶标签定制 化学品安全标签 pp合成纸防水溶剂A5不干胶贴纸 ¥0.02 本店由聚企360常州运营支持 获取底价 常州市泉辰印刷有限公司 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 获取底价 商品描述 价格说明 联系我们 管芯 纸管 规格 5*5cm...
a备料前,检查物料是否有合格的物料检验报告书、原辅料外包装上是否有绿色合格标签 Front prepares materials, whether the inspection material does have on the qualified material examination report, the original helping material outside wrapping whether has the green qualified label [translate] ...
a成品检验OQC除对产品质量进行控制还需对数量进行管控,确认合格后贴PASS标签; Test of products OQC except carries on the control to the product quality also to have to carry on the tube to quantity to control, after confirmed qualified pastes the PASS label;[translate]...
a成品封样的标签上应写明产品名称、牌号、批(罐)号、采样日期,采样者姓名、产品质量检验单或合格证编号等,产品同时写明密度。 The end product seals the type on the label to be supposed to write plainly the product range, the trademark, the batch (pot) the number, the sampling date, the sampling...
备料前,检查物料是否有合格的物料检验报告书、原辅料外包装上是否有绿色合格标签问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 Preparation, check the material availability of qualified materials testing report, if the original packaging materials qualified green label 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 Before ...
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