梵高英文简介 有关梵高英文介绍 文森特威廉梵高,荷兰后印象派画家,是后印象主义的先驱,并深深地影响了二十世纪艺术,尤其是野兽派与表现主义。下面是我为你整理的梵高英文简介,盼望对你有用! 文森特威廉梵高简介 Vincent Willem van Gogh (1853-1890), Chinese also known as Van Gogh, the Dutch post-impressionist...
1. 英文梵高简介 英文梵高简介:van gogh is a post impressionist painter, a Protestant clergyman family born in the rural area. He worked as a clerk and a business agent in his early years, and also served as a missioner in the mining area.梵高是荷兰后印象派 画家,诞生在农村地区一个新教牧师...
梵高的英文介绍 梵高的基本信息与背景 Vincent van Gogh,一位享誉世界的荷兰后印象派艺术家,其作品对艺术界产生了深远的影响。他于1853年3月30日出生在荷兰的格鲁特-宗德特。自幼年起,梵高便展现出了对艺术的浓厚兴趣。然而,他直到二十多岁才决定将其作为职业来追求。这一决定标志着他艺术...
文森特·梵高 Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter. 文森特·梵高是一位荷兰画家。 He was born in Zundert, Netherlands in 1853. 他于1853年出生在荷兰的津德尔特。 Growing up, van Gogh was very poor. 在成长过程中,梵高非常贫穷。 In fact, he had to leave school to find work when he was only...
介绍梵高 the empire of light的英语作文篇一: Van Gogh:In His Own Words 梵高的告白 The life of Van Gogh is often overshadowed by the incidents that fill it. But look a little deeper, on beneath the sad events, an exceptional character shines out. A person whose days were filled with beau...
梵高生于1853年3月30日,出生在荷兰的格罗特-兹特地(Groot-Zundert)。他是西奥多鲁斯·梵高(Theodorus van Gogh)和安娜·科尼利亚·卡本图斯的六个孩子中的长子。在小时候,梵高就表现出对艺术的浓厚兴趣,但直到他二十多岁时才决定将其作为职业来追求。 Van Gogh's interest in art led him to a career as an...
英文梵高简介简要介绍一下他的性格,要用英文的,谢了~谢谢,但 有没有 短点 的? 答案 Vincent van Gogh,for whom color was the chief symbol of expression,was born in Groot-Zundert,Holland.The son of a pastor,brought up in a religious and cultured atmosphere,Vincent was highly emotional ... 结果...