商务英语写作案例参考 篇1 Dear Sirs, This is to introduce ourselves as one of the biggest down apparel product companies from China. Our company—Jiangsu Bosideng International Holdings Limited .—was established in 1994,locating in the Bosideng Industrial Park, Guli Town Changshu, Jiangsu Province,...
案例英语言写作apenglish-language sgs.pdf,® AP English Language and Composition 2007 Scoring Guidelines The College Board: Connecting Students to College Success The College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect s
In conclusion, the economic benefits for the local areas far outweigh any drawbacks such as noise and crime associated with it. It is up to the authorities to keep crime in check and curb the noise levels to ensure the drawbacks do not become major issues. 成都雅思英语写作批改案例...
professional workers. 雅思英语写作提升 In conclusion, although market demand can have some effects, I insist thatthe professional workers like doctors and teachers should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities,as they providetheessential services and have worked hard to be qualified. ...
整合英语阅读与写作教学案例 概要:写作是学习者英语综合能力的体现。但在学生的口语表达能力有较大提高的情况下,学生的写作能力还相对滞后。在教学中或在高考阅卷中常常发现:学生的审题能力差,偏离主题现象严重;文章词语贫乏,语言素材不丰富,句子意识差;表达不得体,结构单一,缺少连贯性,篇章意识差等等。英语写作已成了...
初三英语写作课教学案例与反思Unite 6 Topic 3 I will remember our friendship forever. Section D一、 背景三年的初中学习即将结束,学生与老师、同学在相处的过程中有欢笑、喜悦也有矛盾、争吵,相互之间都从彼此的身上学习到了很多东西,让学生通过谈论毕业的话题,回顾师生间、同学间的情谊学会感恩。二、 教材分析1...
公共英语写作要求是怎样的?以下是公共英语三级考试中写作经典案例,供大家参考。 范例一: April 13,2000 Room 212 Building 343 Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084 Ms. Yang: I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your comp...
IELTS雅思英语写作培训案例 Grammar The writing displays a mix of simple sentences and complex sentence forms (sentences with a dependent clause) For example, (The USA was thetop one highestin 1940, whiletheJapanwill is expected toreplace it inthat position in ...