沪江词库精选根尖周炎英语怎么说、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息 periapical inflammation 相似短语 periapical abscess 根尖脓肿,牙根尖周脓肿,尖周脓肿 periapical curettage 根尖刮治术 periapical infection 根尖周感染 periapical inflammation 根尖周围炎,根尖周炎 periapical cyst 根尖周囊肿,牙根囊肿 periapical ...
【英文名】Acute suppurative periapical periodontitis 【缩写】【别名】急性牙槽脓肿;急性根尖周脓肿;根尖周炎的急性化脓期;Acute alveolar abscess 【ICD号】K04.6 【概述】急性化脓性根尖周炎(Acute suppurative periapical periodontitis)也称急性牙槽脓肿(Acute alveolar abscess)或急性根尖周脓肿,是由急性浆液性...
龋齿 牙髓炎 牙根尖周炎 英文 Dentalcaries Dentalcaries,alsoknownastoothdecay,cavities,orcaries,isabreakdownofteethduetoactivitiesofbacteria.Signsandsymptoms 1.demineralizationofenamel chalkywhitespot"microcavity"cavitation(unreverseble)darkbrownandshiny(dentaltubules)2.pain transientfractureconstantnolongerbe...
选择96例患有有窦型慢性根尖周炎的成年恒牙。 12. The Basic and Clinical Research of Refactory Periapical Periodontitis 难治性根尖周炎的基础和临床实验研究 13. Expression of RANKLmRNA and OPG mRNA in apical periodontitis RANKL mRNA和OPG mRNA在慢性根尖周炎病损组织中的表达 14. Identification of ...
龋齿-牙髓炎-牙根尖周炎-英文课件.ppt,Dental caries Dental caries, also known as tooth decay, cavities, or caries, is a breakdown of teeth due to activities of bacteria. Signs and symptoms1.demineralization of enamelchalky white spot microcavitycavitation(
急性根尖周炎1. Clinical study on acute periapical periodontitis caused by overfilling; 根管超充引发急性根尖周炎的临床研究2. Objective To explore if one time root canal therapy has a better effectiveness than conventional root canal therapy in treating acute periapical periodontitis of anterior teeth...
3) apical periodontitis in dog's primary teeth 乳牙根尖周炎 例句>> 4) dentle pulp-periapical infection of primary teeth 乳牙牙髓-根尖周炎5) Periapical periodontitis 根尖周炎 1. Clinical evaluation on ornidazole in treatment of chronic periapical periodontitis of deciduous molar; 奥硝唑治疗...
难治性根尖周炎 2) refractory 难治 1. Clinical study of treatment of patients with relapse orrefractoryacute myeloid leukemia with FLAG regimen; FLAG方案治疗复发/难治的急性髓系白血病患者的临床研究 2. The efficacy of thalidomide in combination with chemotherapy inrefractoryrecurrent non-Hodgkin lymphoma...