2019年05月AstraグループのPT. Inti Ganda Perdana (IGP)と合弁契約を締結し、ジャワ島西部のカラワン地区 (KIM工業団地) に等速ジョイントを製造する合弁会社を設立すると発表。 2021年06月平鍛造株式会社を連結子会社化。 2021年07月フランス、AnnecyにNTN Europe Holdings SASを設立。
王萍,生命学科馆员,上海科技大学图书信息中心;郭陈君,硕士研究生;刘冀珑,教授:上海科技大学生命科学与技术学院,上海201210。liujl3@shanghaitech.edu.cnWang Ping, Subject Information Specialist in Life Sciences, Library of ShanghaiTech University; Guo Chenjun, Master ...
-シフトリンケージ用ニードル軸受 (Drawn-cup needle roller bearings for shift linkages)-ソレノイドバルブ用リニア軸受 (Linear bearings for solenoid valves)-高耐久複列アンギュラー玉軸受 (Long life double row angular contact ball bearings)-高耐久複列円すいころ軸受 (Long life double row ...
EasyLife 365 Mail EasyMeet 365 EasyQuorum - DE easyQuorum - FR easyQuorum - 미국/영국 Symplifyr로 EasyVista Connect ebuero EcoMatcher Eden Workplace 에드플렉스 (Edflex) EdMill Edpuzzle eduMe eformity | 템플릿 관리 지식인 팔폴드 코필로트 Elate...
Shift your focus from seeking cheapness to seeking quality and fulfillment. When you approach life with gratitude for what you have and an openness to receive what aligns with your higher purpose, you will find that the universe provides for you in ways that are far more enriching than mere ...
The story of Li Ming and his encounter with the tree stump serves as a timeless reminder that relying solely on luck or opportunism will never yield lasting success. True happiness and prosperity come from diligence,perseverance, and a willingness to embrace the challenges life presents.©...
35 Reicin A S, Ohagen A, Yin L, et al. The role of gag in human immunodeficiency virus type 1 virion morphogenesis and early steps of the viral life cycle [J] , J Virol, 1996, 70: 8645-8652. 36 Ono A, Huang M, Freed E O. Characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type ...
This proverb serves as a powerful metaphorfor the dangers of an overly passive approach to life. In our modern world, characterized by rapid technological change and fierce global competition, standing still is tantamount to falling behind. Those who simply "wait by the stump" for opportunities ...