Secretariat of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organizations JIPDEC Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032, Japan Tel: 03-5860-7565 Toll Free: 0120-700-779
富士通Japanは、セントケアグループが目指す、現場に根差した科学的介護の実現に必要な 自立支援サービスの取り組みを「ウェルネス運動支援サービス」でサポート
Core functionality of the app Easy workflow system to streamline office work Company headquarter location Japan App info page What is the hosting environment or service model used to run your app? Paas Which hosting cloud providers do...
英文名称/English Name:Japan Park Kenyon Health Food Limited 成立日期/Date of Establishment:2023-05-09 行业分类/Category:卫生保健(点击查看香港卫生保健公司名单) 公司类別/Company Category:私人股份有限公司/Private Company Limited by Shares 公司现状/Active Status:仍注册/Live(查询即时企业状态,降低合作风险)...
富士通Japanの医療情報分析支援システム「Medical Cabinet S」は、中堅病院向けの医療事務システム(HOPE SX-S)と連携して外来患者数やレセプト情報など、医療情報データの分析を支援します。
In 1967, Japan's first ICU monitor, the ICU-80, was installed in the Tohoku University School of Medicine. 1970s In 1974, Nihon Kohden researcher Takuo Aoyagi developed the principle of pulse oximetry. The next year, Nihon Kohden introduced the world's first ear oximeter, OLV-5100, which ...
“the Best Company in Japan”On April 3,2023,the first-floor lobby of our headquarters was the venue of young people walking one 120、 by one down a red carpet surrounded by cherry blossoms in full bloom.This was a special welcome ceremony to commemorate recent graduates becoming employees ...
Kang Naike (China) Investment Corporation's parent company, Cornell but Japan short title of Calsonic Kansei Corporation, is a research, development, design, manufacture auto parts Assembly of transnational corporations, founded in 1938, is headquartered in Japan, Tokyo ...
ヘルスケア・医薬ライフサイエンス業界が抱える課題とPwC Japanグループが提供するサービスを紹介します。 ヘルスケア参入支援(Healthcare entrants initiative) ヘルスケア業界をとりまく課題の解決を目指し、PwCは「ヘルスケア参入支援」として専門知識や経験を持つ人材が業界の枠組みを超えて協...
(Sustainability Bond)Evaluation by SocietyIndependent Assurance ReportSustainability at the ITOCHU GroupThe World Health Organization(WHO)has announced the end of the state of emergency for COVID-19 which spread worldwide since 2020.Japan has also finally downgraded 22、the legal status of COVID-19 ...