该官方账号在推文中指出:Liuzhou Luosifen: A Surprise Treat for the World#Luosifen (river snails rice noodle) is one of the most popular dishes in Liuzhou City, #GuangxiZhuang Autonomous Region. lt is tasty with delicious combined spicy, ...
介绍柳州螺蛳粉英文作文 英文: Luzhou snail rice noodles are a famous dish in Guangxi, China. It is a type of rice noodle soup that is made with snails, pork bones, and a variety of spices. The dish is known for its spicy and sour flavor, as well as its unique texture. The snails ...
《预包装柳州螺蛳粉外包装英文译写规范》规定了柳州螺蛳粉有了统一的英文名“Liuzhou Luosifen”,而“加臭加辣”“麻辣”等特色风味也有了翻译参考。规范意义 参与制定该标准的柳州职业技术学院柳州螺蛳粉产业学院教师谭旻介绍,此前市面上的预包装柳州螺蛳粉大多数采用意译,不能准确表达螺蛳粉的内涵。此次直译为“...
2024年5月,柳州市市场监管局批准发布《预包装柳州螺蛳粉外包装英文译写规范》并正式实施。根据该标准,柳州螺蛳粉有了统一的英文名“Liuzhou Luosifen”。2025年1月广西一企业生产的螺蛳粉产品通过印度尼西亚乌拉玛委员会清真产品保证执行局的清真认证。历史渊源 辣椒是在明末从美洲传入中国的,起初只是作为观赏作物和...