查理和巧克力工厂英文内容概括50词 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is a beloved children's book written by Roald Dahl. It tells the story of a poor boy named Charlie Bucket who wins a golden ticket to tour the mysterious chocolate factory owned by the eccentric WillyWonka. The factory is ...
1964年:查理和巧克力工厂(Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)1966年:魔法手指(The Magic Finger)1970年:了不起的狐狸爸爸(Fantastic MrFox)1973年:查理和大玻璃升降机(Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator),《查理和巧克力工厂》的续集。1975年:世界冠军丹尼(Danny the Champion of the World)1977年...
简介如下:小查理生长的一个小镇里有一个全世界最大的巧克力工厂,工厂由一个伟大的巧克力发明家、制造商威利旺卡所拥有。工厂非常神秘,大门紧锁,全镇子的人从来没有看见有人从大门进去或出来过。In a small town where little Charlie grew up, there was the largest chocolate factory in the world...
文档简介 1、Hello everybody, today I will in troduce a movie to you. it n ame isCharlie and the Chocolate Factory.There is a boy n amed Charlie, who lives in a small woode n house with his family, they are poor but happy. From the win dow of Charlies room, you can see the wo...
想了解更多精彩内容,快来关注Megan教英文 今日共读:达尔《查理和巧克力工厂》(Charlie and the chocolate factory)作品简介 《查理和巧克力工厂》是英国著名作家达尔的一部作品,讲述了查理在世界上最大的巧克力工厂的奇遇故事。小说以小见大地引出了孩子的教育问题,不仅是孩子的读物,大人也值得一读。达尔是世界级...
查理和巧克力工厂 英文介绍Helloeverybody, todayIwill introduce a movie to you. it’s name isCharlieand the Chocolate Factory. There is a boy named Charlie, who lives in a small wooden housewith his family,theyarepoor but happy.From the window ofCharlie`s room,you can see the world's ...
查理和巧克力工厂英文介绍 •ThereisaboynamedCharlie,wholivesinaramshacklesmallwoodenhouse,lifeisverypoorbuthappy.HouseofCharliefromawindowtolook,youcanseetheworld'slargestchocolatefactory-Wonkachocolatefactory.ThefactorybyageniuschocolatemakerWillyWanka.Itisamysteriousfactory,lockedthedoor,15years,neverseenworkers...
与之相对应的英雄人物“查理”,则是一位知书达理、照顾着家人的小男孩。Charlie为了让家人多吃几口饭,自己宁愿饿着。而其余的孩子们则是贪婪,有的喜欢咀嚼口香糖,喜欢看电视,被宠坏了或是对巧克力着迷。最后,竟然是查理接管了Mr Wonka的...