Charles Dickens 查尔斯·狄更斯英文介绍 Brief Introduction 狄更斯的3个文学创作时期、成就、生平,内附时间轴!5293 0 2020-06-08 02:25:27 未经作者授权,禁止转载 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~97 39 97 67 发音敲渣…努力练习中!!感谢谅解qwq 你的点赞就是我最大的鼓励♡...
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谁有查尔斯狄更斯生平的英文介绍~ 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 Dickens,Charles (John Huffam)(born Feb.7,1812,Portsmouth,Hampshire,Eng.-died June 9,1870,Gad's Hill,near Chatham,Kent) British novelist,generally considered the greatest of the Victorian period.Th...
1、Charles Dickens查尔斯狄更斯Introuction Charles John Huffam Dickens ( 7 February 1812 9 June 1870) was an English writer and social critic. He created some of the worlds most well-known fictional characters and is generally regarded as the greatest novelist o f t h e V i c t o r i ...
查尔斯狄更斯远大前程英文介绍 GreatExpectations Charles·Dickens Born:7February1812Birthplace:Portsmouth(朴次茅斯市郊),England 4yearsold move Chatham(查塔姆)move in1821London debt theMarshalseaprison 12yearsold workinasundaysfactoryweek atprisonwork leftaneverlasting,painfulbrandontheboy'smind akey...
to join the father.The 12-year-old Charles was sent to work in a factory in the East End of London. Work there began at eight in the morning and ended at eight at night. Sundays he spent at the prison, and during the week he was out working all day. His miserable life...
in the early to mid-1800s. The novel contains some of Dickens most memorable scenes, including its opening, in a graveyard, wh 查尔斯狄更斯远大前程英文介绍 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:30 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:erterye 文件大小:4 MB 时间:2020-12-02...