. .1(L0BAB0000173)SL-CT495J SL-CT490P PCUse numbers indicated in parentheses when asking for replacement parts.(Only for U.S.A.) To order accessories contact 1-800-332-5368 or web site (http://www.panasonic.com).This manual was printed with soy based ink.VOLMEMORYRECALLEQMODESL-...
Panasonic松下SL-CT490 使用说明书.PDF,Concerning Compact Discs Portable CD player Only compact discs bearing this mark can be used with this unit. Dear Customer Operating Instructions Thank you for purchasing this product. However, continued use of irregu
S550,XP7,之类太老了,光头状态难以保证,不好替换一般推荐S490,S600,S480之类,价格太离谱的就不要考虑 口白沫的二弟 ct820 7 松下次旗舰S390随身CD音质很s490是一样的# http://fish.mashort.cn/F.ZbCyr?ut_sk=1.VZk8hrlucp4DALdhypvxCSMT_21407387_1460458152158.Copy.detail登录...
“松下”SL—CT490随身听_随身听/mp3: 无附件,品相如图!通电屏幕显示,光盘转动,正常读碟,就是没耳机,不知道声音如何,里面还带张孙燕姿的光盘!除新疆、西藏,其他地区包快递!【身在林泉】【7788乐器收藏】
松下(日产)SL-CT490蓝色cd随身听cd裸机(二手包邮)_其他音乐播放器: 品相如图,日本大阪产,外观有磨损,2节7号电池供电。音质好,混响效果强,声音通透。【回音阁】【7788老玩具收藏】
全原装 荷兰 Kharma卡玛 EL-dB9-1.0-S dB9S 落地音箱 Mac Book Pro VK2,19款16寸高配 继续 ...
Panasonic松下SL-MP35MP36C 使用说明书.PDF,Concerning Compact Discs Portable CD player Only compact discs bearing this mark can be used with this unit. Dear Customer Operating Instructions Thank you for purchasing this product. However, continued use of ir
Panasonic松下SL-CT730 使用说明书.PDF,Operating Instructions Portable CD Player Model No. HOLD (Function lock) The hold function stops the buttons from being operated. By keeping the hold function on, you can stop the power from being switched on, play fr