1. Cremastra guizhouensis Q. 贵州杜鹃兰CremastraguizhouensisQ 。2) "One Hundred Li Range of Rhododendron" Forest Area in Guizhou 贵州百里杜鹃林区 1. 13 main ornamental characters of 20 species of Rhododendron were determined in "One Hundred Li Range of Rhododendron" Forest Area in Guizhou,...
杜鹃兰生物碱组织化学定位初步研究 2. Physiological Characteristics and Ecological Adaptability of Cremastra Appendiculata (D.Don) Makino; 杜鹃兰重要生理特性和生态适应性研究 3. Establishment of a Rice Enhancer Trap Mutant Library by T-DNA Insertion ...