但是如果加上with you, 语气就不一样咯。 What's wrong with you? 和 What's the matter with you 和李彦宏的 What's your problem? 都是差不多的语气和意思。 当然对于李彦宏被泼水事件,一开始是让感觉有点可怜,出丑了。 但是这其实和百度...
What's your problem? Did I piss you off? 你有病吧,我招你惹你了! 所以 李宏彦在这个场景下说 完全木有毛病 (学好英语还是挺重要的) 他也因此获得称号"宏颜获水" 并配专门释义 类似的表达还有 ↓ What's wrong with you? 你脑子进水了吗?你有病吗? 例句: What's wrong with you? Why did yo...
但是如果加上with you, 语气就不一样咯。 What's wrong with you? 和 What's the matter with you 和李彦宏的 What's your problem? 都是差不多的语气和意思。 当然对于李彦宏被泼水事件,一开始是让感觉有点可怜,出丑了。 但是这其实和百度近年来不得民心,出了很多恶性事件有关系。也希望百度以及其他网络...
“What's wrong with you?” 因此如果同学们看到别人身体不舒服或心情不好时,千万不要用以上几句话去询问对方! “What's wrong with you?”是口语中语气稍重、较为不友好的询问方式,但如果大家去掉后半句话,则是较为单纯地询问对方: “what's wrong?” 怎么了? 很多同学可能会对此感到混乱,那么也可以跳开...
What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter with you? 来,看看大图: 写到这里,我突然想起一个人: 李彦宏(Robin Li) 若不是李彦宏的科普,很多国人可能还不知道What’s your problem原来是个骂人话。 其实what’s your problem 跟上面的 what’s wrong with you?以及 What’s the matter with you? 意思...
最后,万一大家遇到李彦宏这样的尴尬情况,除了“What's your problem”,还可以使用下面这些说法哦: ⭐️What's wrong with you? ⭐️Jesus Christ!What's the matter with your mind? ⭐️Holy crap!What are you thinking? ⭐️What the hell are you doing? 如果今天你是李彦宏,你会用什么英文...
Monica:Wait, wait.What's with you? Ross:I just grabbed a spoon. what's wrong with you 例如某人不小心把大妈撞了一下,大妈不依不饶的,hey, hey, watch where you're going, okay? what's wrong with you? 嗨嗨,你不看路的?你没病吧?
单说What's the problem时,就是What's the problem with the current situation = What's wrong/What happened,对事不对人。 举个例子: A:Fuck. We couldn't make it. B:What's the problem? 如果实在想对人不对事,不妨改成 What's the mat...
What's your problem? Did I piss you off? 你有病吧,我招你惹你了! 所以 李宏彦在这个场景下说 完全木有毛病 (学好英语还是挺重要的) 他也因此获得称号"宏颜获水" 并配专门释义 类似的表达还有 ↓ What's wrong with you? 你脑子进水了吗?你有病吗?