但自己还是咬了咬牙,坚持拍完了那段戏。 他说他当时想的是:This is how it ends. 看完这个之后,反正骑龙那一段在我心中是毁了。 黄金团在原著中比较有名的一点就是军队中有大象。所以瑟曦像一个念念不忘自己喜欢的玩具的小女孩一样质问攸伦:我的大象呢? 来自@books_by_becca 当然不能少了万能的Drakememe:...
You know how it ends. We need to find a better way. We do not need payment. We need justice. Jon Snow cannot go free. It's not for you to decide. You are not here to speak! Everyone has heard enough words from you. You're right. ...
You know how it ends. We need to find a better way. We do not need payment. We need justice. Jon Snow cannot go free. It's not for you to decide. You are not here to speak! Everyone has heard enough words from you. You're right. And no one's any better for it. But it'...
在原著中,索罗斯曾对布蕾妮说过这样一句话: It does not matter how a man begins, but only how he ends. 不管你起初是个什么样的人,只要在死的时候问心无愧,就够了。 今天,索罗斯死了。为救朋友而死,为了信仰而死。 这样的死,死得其所。 谨以此回答,让更多人知道索罗斯的故事; 纪念索罗斯---这个冰...
You want us to travel a longer road on foot, without even knowing where it ends. 而今你要我们徒步穿越更长的路途,却连目的地究竟在哪儿也不清楚。 Beyond the Wall, you say. 你说要越过绝境长城, I haven’t been there, no more than you, but I know that Beyond the Wall’s a big place...
That's not how it ends for you brother. You know who's coming for you. You've always known. 记得我吗?你记得的 你现在比我还丑了 他们对你做了什么?无所谓 你不会就这么死掉的 老哥 你知道谁会来要你的命 你一直都知道 瑟曦:Where is she? 她在哪儿 提利昂:She'll be here soon. 她马上...
The sight of it offends me." 这东西有损于我的健康。” "I will thend it to hith lord father. “我要把它送给他的浮亲大人, I will tell him he muth pay one hundred thouthand dragonth, or we thall return the Kingthlayer to him pieth by pieth. ...
the ends were tied to the pommel of Vargo Hoat's saddle. 两者末端都系于瓦格·赫特的坐骑前鞍。 They stumbled along side by side behind the Qohorik's striped zorse. 他俩一左一右、跌跌撞撞地走在科霍尔人的黑白斑纹马后面。 Jaime's rage kept him walking. 詹姆用愤怒驱使自己前进。 The linen...
ago, our ancestors reshaped the Westeros from here. Now it ends with us.” 琼恩:" maybe it'...
You brought this on yourself. I've done nothing. Do you understand we're losing the war? Does it ever end? 你这是自作自受 我可什么都没干你没意识到我们正在输掉这场战争吗?难道这片荒原就没有尽头? Everything ends, even the Red Waste. All the other wildlings for 100 leagues Craster's...