JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 期刊名缩写:J APPL PHYS期刊ISSN:0021-8979E-ISSN:1089-75502024年影响因子/JCR分区:2.7/Q2学科与分区:PHYSICS, APPLIED - SCIE(Q2)出版国家或地区:UNITED STATES出版周期:Semimonthly出版年份:1937年文章数:1769是否OA开放访问:No...
Chem. Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry, Section C: Physical Chemistry Annu. Rev. Biochem Annual Review of Biochemistry Annu. Rev. Biophys. Biomol. Struct. Annual Review of Biophysics and Biomolecular Structure Annu. Rev. Cell Dev. Biol. Annual Review of Cell and Developmental Biology ...
全称:Frontiers of Physics 简写: Front. Phys. 全称:International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 简写: Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 全称:Japanesejournal of applied physics简写:Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 全称:Journal of the American Chemical Society 简写: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 全称:Journal of Physics D: Applie...
Journal of Applied Physics = J. Appl. Phys. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology = J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics = J. Atmos. Terr. Phys. Journal of Climate = J. Climate Journal of Climate Meteorology = J. Climate Meteor. Journal of Clima...
期刊名全称和缩写对照(Journal Titles and Abbreviati)A Acc. Chem. Res. Accounts of Chemical Research ACH - Models Chem. ACH - Models in Chemistry ACI Mater. J. ACI Materials Journal ACS Symp. Ser. ACS Symposium Series Acta Biochim. Pol. Acta Biochimica Polonica Acta ...
Journal of Applied Physics JApplPhys Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology JAtmosOceanTechnol Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics JAtmosTerrPhys Journal of Climate JClimate Journal of Climate Meteorology JClimate Meteor Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology JClimate ApplMeteor Journal...
期刊全称和缩写对照 Journal Titles and Abbreviations A Acc. Chem. Res.Accounts of Chemical Research ACH - Models Chem.ACH - Models in Chemistry ACI Mater. J.ACI Materials Journal ACS Symp. Ser.ACS Symposium Series Acta Biochim. Pol.Acta Biochimica Polonica Acta Biotechnol.Acta Biotechnologica Acta...
2. j phys* 可以检索到的期刊 包括 journal of physics; journal of the physics 等, 也就是 在journal和 physic*之间只能有 of,and 等连词,不可以有实体词。 3. jour* phys* 包含所有的 j phsic*能检索到的,而且还有journal of applied physics; journal of building ...
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth B Phys Chem Earth B Physics of Fluids Phys Fluids Physikalische Zeitschrift Phys Z. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Proc Roy Soc London Pure and Applied Geophysics Pure Appl Geophys Quart J Roy Meteor Soc Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological...
Journal of Applied Physics JApplPhys Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology JAtmosOceanTechnol Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics JAtmosTerrPhys Journal of Climate JClimate Journal of Climate Meteorology JClimate Meteor Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology JClimate ApplMeteor Journal...