有道词典《每日一句》经典收藏 If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs!如果你没有梦想,那么你就会被别人招去完成他们的梦想。 You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life. 你每天都在做很多看起来毫...
Reserve one meter sunshine and put them in atrium. Elated wind, tap my heart window. 预定一米阳光,装进心房。欢畅的风,轻敲我的心窗。 Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere. 每天出去走走,奇迹就在身边。 Smile and silence are two powerful tools. Smile is the way to solve m...
Life is full of surprises. 生活处处是惊喜。——2022.09.03 Nothing is set in stone. 万事无绝对。——2022.09.04 Anything worth doing is worth doing right. 值得做的事情就要把它做好。——2022.09.05 Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生。——2022.09.06 Adulthood is responsibility. 成年意味...
1、Everyone has his inherent ability which is easily concealed by habits, blurred by time, and eroded by laziness.每个人都有潜能,只是很容易被习惯所掩盖,被时间所迷离,被惰性所消磨。Man might think that few women fit him before his marriage, and contrarily when they get married.男人在结婚前...
有道词典_每日一句_2022/11 11月 People linked by destiny will always find each other. 宿命相连的人总能找到彼此。——2022.11.01 I live within whatever path I choose. 无论我选择什么道路,我都会走下去。——2022.11.02 We control our destiny. 命运由我们自己掌握——2022.11.03...
有道词典 每日一句 精选100句1.How could it be so clear and cool? For fresh water comes from the source. 问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来。 2.Love lives in cottages as well as in courts.爱情无贵贱,贫富皆有之。 3.One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is to have...
1、有道词典每日一句经典收藏If you don't build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs!如果你没有梦想,那么你就会被别人招去完成他们的梦想。You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义...
简介 下面为大家介绍一下网易有道词典怎么收藏每日一句 工具/原料 Redmi8A MIUI12.5 网易有道词典9.2 方法/步骤 1 首先进入手机桌面,再点击打开【网易有道词典】2 打开网易有道词典后,再点击下方的【句子】3 进入句子页面后,再点击下方的【收藏】图标 4 点击收藏选项后,出现【收藏成功】即可 ...
有道词典每日一句经典收藏If you dont build your dream, someone will hire you to build theirs!如果你没有梦想,那么你就会被别人招去完成他们的梦想。You make millions of decisions that mean nothing and then one day your order takes out and it changes your life.你每天都在做很多看起来毫无意义的...
有道词典在线 星级: 5 页 有道词典 每日一句 精选100句 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: 1.How could it be so clear and cool? For fresh water comes from the source. 问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来。 2.Love lives in cottages as well as in courts. 爱情无贵贱,贫富皆有之。 3.One of the ...