and they agree to that. But then you take the toilet and you position it as a modern, trendy convenience. One state in Northern India has gone so far as to link toilets to courtship. And it works -- look at these headlines. (
107.round the clock (= all day and all night, usually without stopping) 昼夜不停地 例句:He often works round the clock. 108.comment on 评论 例句:Similarly, you are representing your blog every time you comment on another blog.
But the first line of that song is, ‘I could be your lover’. I am not too sure about that. That’s illegal, innit? It’s kind of illegal for two brothers to make love. It’s certainly frowned upon.” 重点:”那首歌的第一句词是,'我可以成为你的爱人',这我可不确定。这是违法...
and they agree to that. But then you take the toilet and you position it as a modern, trendy convenience. One state in Northern India has gone so far as to link toilets to courtship. And it works -- look at these headlines.